Sunday, January 29, 2012

Social Networking

In a way, social networking is a new concept for me.  I guess it has been a part of my life for quite some time now but I hadn't thought about the impact it has on my life until recently.  My family just moved from Georgia back to Michigan in June and neither my husband or I had a job when we got here.  My (very successful) mother would  (and still does) tell me "network, network, network."  So right away we joined a church and put my son in a day camp and swim lessons.  While attending these various activities, my husband and I started to meet people.  And these people knew people and it wasn't long before we were both employed.

I've had a Facebook account for almost ten years now but it wasn't until we moved back to Michigan that I really started using it to stay in touch with the family and friends we have in Georgia.  I can't imagine our lives without it.  Our children are growing so fast and Facebook makes it so simple.  Any time I take a cute picture with my phone, right away I share it on Facebook.  It's only a few clicks of the finger away...much more simple than developing pictures and sending them in the mail!  And it works both ways.  We get to see and hear from everyone else as well.

Currently I am a substitute teacher who is actively looking for a real teaching job.  I have five years of teaching experience.  Social networking has been one of my job searching strategies.  While I had my own class, I did not use a social network with my students.  I would not "friend" them on Facebook.  I did not think it would be appropriate for them to know so much about me.  I do see the benefits of having some sort of networking between the teachers, students, and parents though.  I am definitely looking forward to using a blog page for my classroom.  It will be a great way to communicate, document, share information and ideas, and it would be fun for the kids as well.

I think social networking is very important.  I am looking forward expanding both my personal and professional networks throughout my future.

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