Monday, January 30, 2012

RSS Page Reflection

Here is a snapshot of the Google Reader RSS Feed I created last week.  I am following quite a few interesting elementary teacher feeds which I chose since I am an elementary school teacher.  I chose three blogs to follow.  One of them is actually called "Elementary Teacher Blog" and the others are "Educational Technology Guy: Tech and Learning" and "Cool Cat Teacher Blog."  I thought that the technology one would be quite appropriate for this class.

There was a post on the Elementary Teacher Blog called "What Do You Know About Multiplication By 0 and 1?"  It was an open-ended question asked by a teacher to her students.  The blog had an image of a drawing one of her students made to demonstrate their answer to the question.  I commented on this post because I thought it was a great idea for an assignment to allow the students to get creative with their responses.

I have been checking my RSS frequently over the past week.  I am shocked about how often it changes.  I assumed that there would be new articles and blogs every couple days when the truth is, there are new articles every couple minutes.  My favorite feed that I chose is the  "Cool Cat Teacher Blog" because I can relate to it the most.  I has been very informal and has touched on topics that I am interested in such as the Kindle, education Apps, and "Lesson Plans that Rock."  The feed that I have learned the most from is "Moving at the Speed of Creativity."  Topics that it has touched on range from student blog pages, transitioning to common core standards, and believe it or not, Google Calendar and internet safety (sounds familiar!).

I am enjoying following my RSS feed regularly.  I did not think that I would learn as much as I am actually learning from it.  It feels good to be a part of the education community and stay up to date with the major education organizations such as MEA and NEA.  This is something that I plan to continue doing even after my CEP 810 course is over.

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