Saturday, June 9, 2012

Group Leadership Project Part B - Storyboard & Script

Here is the link to our Group Leadership Project  Blogger Storyboard & Script

Our group chose Blogger for our Group Leadership Project.  We were able to split up the work between the four of us as follows:

Aubrey: Setting up a new account, starting a blog, and design options
Nancy: How to create a new post including title and tagging
Kimberly (me) commenting and sharing
Lisa: adding links and images

My job was to teach how to comment and share on Blogger.  There are several ways to leave comments and several different types of sharing you can do using Blogger.  You can share a single post or the entire blog page.  You can post it on Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Google+, or email it to a friend.  You can make it so only members can comment.  I showed how to make that setting and what happens if you are not a member and you try to comment.  Our storyboard is very detailed and includes several screen shots.  I think it will make our final project go well..

We plan to use Camtasia to record our presentation.  Each of us are going to record our own parts and Lisa is going to put them all together for us.

1 comment:

  1. I really like our idea of teaching Blogger to others. I must admit, it was kind of stressing to make sure that I was going step by step to make sure I didn't confuse our audience! This project is definitely well worth it.
