Sunday, April 8, 2012

Universal Lesson Design Guidelines Checklist

The lesson plan I submitted to Merlot is called Double Bar Graph elementary lesson and activity.  In this lesson,  the teacher gives a mini-lesson about double bar graphs and then each student comes up with their own survey question to ask the class.  They record the results of their survey in a tally table.  When their tally table is complete they use this information to create a double bar graph on a specified computer program.  They must choose an appropriate scale, title, and colors for the bars.  When they finish this they have reflection questions to complete.  At the end of the lesson each student shares their results with the class.

This lesson is great because it incorporates technology, accommodates for different learning styles, and has a variety of different activities the students are required to do.  After completing the UDL Guidelines Checklist I realize that it falls short in a few areas.  The main thing I would like to change is to give students more choices.  I would also like to use scaffolding.  These modifications will help accommodate for students with special needs.

UDL Guidelines Checklist Anglin

UDL Guidelines - Educator Checklist
Your notes
Feature: Students get to choose their question, scale, title, and color coding.
Feature: Students physically conduct the survey and create their own graph on a computer and answer questions on paper.
Feature: Student will create a key for their graph and choose an appropriate scale.
Feature: Teacher presents class with wrong information and students help discover what is wrong and how to fix it
Feature: Students use their survey results and transfer them onto a computer generated graph

Your notes
Barrier: No options to vary the assignment are offered.
Barrier: No options to vary the assignment are offered.
Feature: Students use a computer program to create their double bar graph for them.  All they have to do is type in their survey results.
Barrier: Students are not provided with a choice of media.
Barrier: Scaffolding was not used in this lesson.  I could have students who are having a hard time do a single bar graph instead.
Feature: Students plan their survey by choosing a question to ask the class.  They plan their graph by looking at their survey results, choosing an appropriate scale and colors for the bars.  They use their graph to answer reflection questions.

Your notes
Feature: Students choose their own survey questions and the color coding on their graph
Barrier: Assignment is the same for all students. I could offer a single bar graph for students in need of extra support and a triple bar graph for those who need to be challenged.
Feature: Students communicate with each other throughout the lesson.
Feature: Students fill out a questioner at the end of the assignment to check for understanding.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really important that you identified all of the barriers in the area of student expression. While many teachers usually are able to deliver multimodal resources and learning experiences, it's important to make sure that students have an equally large range of tools and forms through which to express themselves and respond to the learning activities.
